Takers Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Takers Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


1. It's Time
Paul Haslinger

2. Best Laid Plans
Paul Haslinger

3. Get Us Out of Here
Paul Haslinger

4. To Protect and to Serve
Paul Haslinger

5. Street Search
Paul Haslinger

6. Let's Take This Upstairs
Paul Haslinger

7. We're Takers
Paul Haslinger

8. Everyone's After Something
Paul Haslinger

9. Bank Heist
Paul Haslinger

10. I'll Bring the Insurance
Paul Haslinger

11. The Got It on Tape
Paul Haslinger

12. This Is Gonna Be a Blast
Paul Haslinger

13. Ghost on the Move
Paul Haslinger

14. Hotel Roosevelt
Paul Haslinger

15. Lily's Lounge
Paul Haslinger

16. Ph201
Paul Haslinger

17. Vny Standoff
Paul Haslinger

18. All Signs Point to It
Paul Haslinger

19. To Protect and to Serve (Deathrage Remix)
Paul Haslinger

20. Let's Take This Upstairs (Dark Side of the Roof Remix)
Paul Haslinger